Friday Favs- HexBug STEM and TECH Toys

Friday Favs- HexBug STEM and TECH Toys

Max and the Nano Junior
This week we got a few new STEM/TECH toys from HexBug and E,L,&M have been non stop entertained! We really try to rotate the toys in our house because with three children it is out of control, but these are favorites and will likely not be "rotated" to the garage much like some of the other items in our home! I love that this company makes some STEM/TECH toys geared towards toddlers and twins loved it too!! A few pictures and what we loved about these finds!

Cuddle Bots and Nano Junior
These were a favorite for all the kids and got them engaged TOGETHER and because we had three toys and three kids there was minimal fighting! Twins are 14 months and Max is 4 years old, these were great for their ages. Big brother was so excited to show and share with the twins. 

The toys encourage Emmy to crawl around and chase them, Liam a little too, but he was so content to SIT with them and examine them, feel the vibration. He has been a little bit more a of sensory child than the other two. He is more sensitive to lights, sounds, changes, and has a little bit of an out of control temper sometimes. Otherwise a super charming hug-giving love bug! Anyways, I think the vibration of the toys was totally his thing, calming for him, and he was HOARDING them at one point! He even took them under the table and as if to say, "These are mine and no one can find me or take them if I'm under this table."

Do not try to take my Cuddle Bot!!!
 He's normally so social too, so it was cracking me up that he was hiding with them! Both babies also repeated the word "BUG" for the first time while chasing their new toys around the house! 
One of her many nicknames is "Baby B" and now she has her own Baby Bee!

Only bugs allowed in the house!!
These would also make some pretty entertaining dog/cat toys and I think they have some specific for pets too!!

We made it clear to Max that this toy was HIS because it is for 3+, but he did let the twins look at it and play with the little NanoBot while watching them closely. He was adorable with this toy! SO concentrated on putting it together and figuring out how to use it! His comments made me smile and laugh, such as, "Whoa this little robot is fast." As well as telling his robot "Good job robot, you can do it." Then pretending to shoot it! BOYS! 

This toy kept his attention for a really long time and let us talk about space, zip lines, gravity, vibration, movement, and of course, robots. He warmed my heart telling me before bed how much he loved his robots!

 He played with it so much all week he killed the batteries, I mean it was ON non-stop, the others are still going strong. It took button batteries which we had some on hand and button batteries make me nervous. I've read too many terrifying stories of them getting swallowed, BE CAREFUL WITH BATTERIES AND CHILDREN! I was glad my husband felt they were pretty tighten secured!!

We're excited for these water bots for the bath, backyard water table, baby pool, and might even take them with us to the big pool as well! The pack came with five of them so plenty to easier share and we love all water play so these are perfect!! They have a whole variety of these and the Jellyfish ones are totally on my wish list! Yes, I said MY because I'm having almost as much fun as the kids with these toys!! Seriously though, if you check out their website tell me the Seahorse and Jellyfish don't look amazing for the pool this summer??!!!! We tested them in the bath and my son is already begging to take them to the pool, it's not quite warm enough yet but we will be! He also point out to me on his own that they float when they are turned off and he quickly figured out how to use their little motor to squirt water, which was fun!!
