First and Last Day of PreSchool 3 Years and Why We Are Skipping Next Year

I used to work in preschools and I'm super PRO preschool. It was a crazy hard decision to make to skip next year's 4 year old preschool and maybe I'll change my mind. 

However, it really came down to we're going to miss him when Kindergarten starts and this is our last year to soak in a school and commitment free childhood! 

We want the sibling bonding, we want to go on adventures without worrying about missing preschool, and we just want that time with him. 

Selfishly I want to not haul three kids in the car a few days a week to only get a break from one, which is not a "break". 

After talking to other parents and educators, academically he's just fine and socially we can create other ways to give him opportunities to grow those skills! 

Whether I change my mind or not because anything is possible, I'll still be using this sign to take "preschool" pictures though!
